Secure your business with our key solutions
Seek the best solutions for your company today. We have the keys when cost, quality, and support are the considerations.

Mission Statement
We do not work for ourselves We work for you,the client. Therefore, we will always look out for your best interest. This includes seeing that you have been fully informed about the options for your door and security solutions. We see our best clients as those who care enough to be inquisitive and want to maximum return on their investment.
Looking for more information on Door & Security Solutions? Check out our services.
Contact us today: (860)404-2838
Commercial Services
Door and Security Solutions provides commercial services. Get a quote today and learn how you can save money and time. Choosing Door & Security is a great idea. Call us today and get more details and information.
New Installs & Repairs
Advice on specifications
ADA/Fire-code upgrades
Door & Security Solutions Supply of
Hollow metal doors and frames
Flush wood doors
Full line of hardware products (cylindrical and mortise locks, closers and exit devices)
Auto door operators
Louvers, thresholds and weatherstripping
Barn Doors
Hidden Doors
Key Systems
Key Cutting and Pinning
System Recommendations
System Design
Re-keying (using outside vendors)
New System Installation
Set-up of records and key vaults
System Audits (you really want to ask us about this service)
Toilet Accessories
Washroom Accessories
Infant care products
Metal, Plastic and Phenolic Toilet Partitions
Window Treatments
Roller window shades
Louver blinds and other styles
Electric or manual options available
Contribute toward LEED credits
Marker Boards
Marker and tackboard supply and installation
We proudly use Walker of Glastonbury, CT
AV Equipment
Impact Resistant Wall Protection
Corner Guards
Crash Rails
Standard and Custom Wall Protection
Office Funiture
Jasper Desk offers many innovative office furniture solutions
High Quality construction is perfect for commercial applications
The Team
- Since our inception in 2012, Door and Security Solutions has experienced rapid growth catering to both our commercial and municipal clients. They like our hands on approach, the personalized service and of course, our expert installation. Our customers look to our Value Engineering approach as a way to cut costs for projects with tight budgets. We work with the architect, construction manager and end user to achieve a balance of function and cost. Simply said, we won’t sell you something you don’t need. Our experienced installation crew along with our diligent back office staff has the ability to meet tough commercial deadlines. Our connection with manufacturers enables us to promptly respond to requests or changes. If you look good, we look good. That’s our goal!
Commercial Services
- Cost effective Solutions
- Professional Project Management Team.
- Professional Installations

Building Security Audits
- Cost Effective Solutions.
- Call our team today for a quote.
- More than 20 years of Quality Customer service.
“Contact us today